
Meet the new European Commissioner for Transport and Sustainable Tourism


Key meeting with the new Commissioner for Transport and Sustainable Tourism, Apostolos Tzitzikostas

The Chairman of the SGPSO and President of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, Alain Rousset, and the lehendakari of the Spanish Basque Country, Imanol Pradales, met the Commissioner for Transport and Sustainable Tourism, Apostolos Tzitzikostas, on 29 January.

By reaffirming his political and personal support for the South-Western New Line, Commissioner Tzitzikostas confirmed our collective agenda: to make South-Western France the South-West of a Europe that is completing its trade and mobility corridors.

The Commissioner's visit to the site, planned for the spring, will provide an opportunity to work towards creating the conditions for its urgent, crucial and strategic realisation in ecological, socio-economic, defence and, of course, mobility terms.


The SGPSO and Europe make a long-term commitment to low-carbon mobility

The SGPSO will also be working with DG Move to prepare the next 2028-2034 programme of European funding for mobility, and before that an implementing act describing the actions needed to complete the Atlantic mobility corridor and the timetable for their implementation.

It is also planned to work together to rationalise mobility infrastructures, both in terms of the robustness and climatic resilience of their design and operation, and in terms of the cost of their construction.

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