Les marges de progrès SGPSO
Room of improvement

Room for improvement identified

The collective work to be carried out in the design and implementation of the New Line over the next 10 years must enable us to achieve exemplary and excellent results, in particular:

  • For biodiversity, which should be in a better state at the end of the project than at the beginning, given comparable climatic conditions
  • For soil, which must not have lost its capacity to absorb run-off water, produce food for living organisms, absorb carbon, etc.
  • For greenhouse gas emissions, which must be reduced systematically and on a massive scale, modal shift must be achieved by actively developing a policy to this end and by working specifically on the links between the line and local areas.
  • For local residents, for whom future standards must be anticipated in terms of disturbances
  • For future generations, who must be able to benefit for a long time from a well-designed and well-built infrastructure, with efficient maintenance planned from the outset
  • For anything we haven’t yet identified as a future priority, incorporating from the outset a comprehensive policy of evaluation and continuous improvement to enable scalability and reversibility.